Moody’s affirmed KTZ credit rating at “Baa2”, forecast “Stable”

The International Rating Agency Moody’s Global Ratings affirmed the credit rating of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC at “Baa2”, forecast “Stable”.

The rating confirmation is a result of the systematic work and effective operating activities of the National Company. According to the Agency, the growing volume of cargo transportation by 3.8% in 2024 compared to 2023, an increase of 8.8% in container transit in 2024, as well as an annual increase in regulated tariffs in 2024-2026 support the financial indicators of NC KTZ JSC at a sustainable level. The increase of transportation volumes in the region and along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route contributed to the growth of freight turnover.

The agency notes that the activities of NC KTZ JSC within the framework of a large-scale capital investment program aimed at infrastructure development will eliminate bottlenecks and increase transit potential.

Link to the press release.

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